This past weekend Cameron and I went camping with friends on Lake Chelan.
There is not much there but wilderness. Occasionally, a boat passes by or an airplane flies overhead, but for the most part the only sounds are the wind, the waves and the birds.Lake Chelan is located on the eastern edge of the cascade mountains. The south end of the lake is a popular resort location and full of summer activity. The north end of the lake, 55 miles long, is accessible by boat, small airplane or on foot. We have friends that own 65 acres very near the north end.
We were there for four days of relaxation and simple living.
It was the third day when our friend John suggested that we each make a puppet. It suddenly occurred to him when I peeked out of the tent window looking very much like a puppet in a puppet theater.
We had til the end of the day to create our characters using anything we could find. I decided to give myself even greater confines by letting myself use only natural material.
It was a greater challenge than I had anticipated, but fun nonetheless. The result was this rather unattractive, pine-cone-headed woman. But, her unattractiveness was overlooked do to the fact that she was all held together by grass and tension.
Though a couple of us (who shall remain nameless, what happens on Lake Chelan....) couldn't bring themselves to create a puppet, the two of us that did, had a great time doing it.
As you can see, she is not pretty. But, she was a great way to spend a couple of hours. I had to push myself to create something I have never done before, with 'limited' resources. I was pleased and surprised that she actually stayed together and was rather sturdy. Who knew that grass could be so durable?
So I challenge you: create something ridiculous just for the act of creating. Can you make a puppet with only the things you can find around you?
Be good,