Thursday, September 18, 2008

Little Mary Sunshine

I have just finished another painting. I call this one "Suddenly, Little Mary Sunshine".

A few years ago, I did a painting called "As If". It is a woman holding a mask, by the strings, in front of her face as she floats above the ground. It was based on the concept that one can achieve personal change by acting as if you are already the change. For me, it meant 'acting' more patient and open and confident in order to actually become more patient, open and confident.

This painting has a very similar sense to me. It's about putting on a happy face. I have a friend , Addie who has a friend, Char. They have known each other for many years and had been through a lot together. They even ended up working together.

When Addie got a new job, her dream job, with a different company, she was very happy. Char was not.

They had many conversations about it. Char felt abandoned, alone and envious. Understandably. It was during one of these conversations when Char, slightly upset, said to Addie "...and you are, suddenly, little Mary Sunshine". It wasn't meant to be a compliment. I liked it. This idea that"Little Mary Sunshine" as undesirable was fascinating to me.
Immediately, I saw this little girl on stage holding a cardboard sun around her head. Her dress shows cloudy skies, the detail has blue beads of raindrops. Her face is in the style of the old sun illustrations - all round and full. The detail in the sun itself is to exaggerate the 'happiness' of it.

All of this exists in each of us, the clouds, the rain, the sun, it is all there and often we have a choice as to which we are wearing. Very much like "As If", once you choose to wear something for a while, it actually starts to become integrated into who you are. It's true whether (or weather) it is rain or sun you choose. I'm hoping that "Suddenly, Little Mary Sunshine" loses her 'suddenly' and just is 'little Mary sunshine'.

Be good,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your post reminded me of a saying from the book of Proverbs in the OT in the Bible, " As a man thinks, so is he." It's about changing what we think on the inside so the outside matches.
I went to a social workers confrence once & purchased a book with pictures that had written illustrations as to the meaning of that picture. " The Art of Acceptance, " I believe was the tittle. I have since given the book away, but your blog reminds me of that book. Have you ever thought of doing a work like that. I believe you have the ability to. Your posts are so awesome & so self reflective not just for you, but others as well. Keep it up.... BG