Friday, January 16, 2009

Summer in January

Usually, January is a very slow, quiet, grey time for me. This January as shown itself to be full, rich and colorful. For 2009, I have been invited to participate in several different events as the presenting artist. I encourage you to visit the 'news' page on my website for details. I am one with my easel and am continually applying color to canvas.
Just know that I am grateful for the many opportunities and also aware of my blogging negligence. I am hoping to be more attentive.

There has been an unusual, fascinating and fun occurrence at our house this year. It seems that a family of ladybugs has made themselves at home inside our home. Earlier this fall when I saw the little beetles inside, I didn't think much of it. I expected that the cold weather would drive them into dormancy, just like every other bug. Here we are in the middle of January and the ladybugs are still with us. It appears that each day presents a new bug. The variations in color and spotage have me wondering how many there really are and how long they live.

I love that they are here and now find myself actually looking for them each morning. During the day they sit in one spot. In the evening, when I am cooking they will sit on my arm or shoulder and then seem to follow us from room to room. I haven't found 'ladybug-ground-zero' but I haven't looked that hard.

We have decided that they are vying to be my muse. They are holding their ground until I do a painting with a ladybug as the focus. Their threats aren't very threatening, but I am entertaining the thought.

It is a bit of Summer in January.

Be good,

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