Monday, November 10, 2008

Light Up My Life

Last summer I was walking down Queen Anne Avenue on my way to getting a haircut. I passed by a shop I had not noticed before, a lamp shop. I felt a pull to go inside. I kept walking.

I kept walking but I couldn't stop thinking about the shop and my draw to it. The window was full of unique, beautiful and creative lamp bases and shades. I appreciated the immaculate artistry but couldn't understand why I was so attracted to the place. I decided that once I had a fresh new haircut I would stop in on my way back.

I came to the shop, admired the window display and, well, kept walking. I caught myself and turned around and entered the store.

I met the owner/artist Kathi Mullaney. I introduced myself and explained that I felt pulled into her shop. She was kind and gracious. I told her that I was an artist also and we shared stories of living as artists. I loved meeting her looking at her lamps. I left her with one of my business cards. I felt bad that I had questioned my initial attraction. It was such a gift to meet her.

I think by the time I got home she had sent an email saying she had visited my website, loved my work and wondered if I would be interested in painting a lamp base for her. I went back the next day to get the wooden base, my blank canvas. What to paint, what to paint?

There had been a delay in finishing the base as the wood had been seeping sap. I let it sit in the sun for several weeks giving it a slow drying. I am trusting that it is done seeping now and have once again started painting. Here is a sneak look at what I am doing. I am excited to see it done but even more excited to see what kind of shade Kathi will design for it. Stay tuned to see the finished lamp.

Oh, yeah, check out Kathi's website. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Be good,

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